Nutritional Therapist Sacha Haia

I’m Sacha Haia, your Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), an outdoor adventurer who enjoys discovering new foods + recipes and finds the kitchen to be one of the most therapeutic spaces. 

You’re in the right place if you have been battling chronic symptoms that continue to persist. Are you tired of hearing that what you’re experiencing is β€œjust normal” and ready for a holistic approach that addresses the root causes? 

I am blessed to walk out this journey with you! 

I am on a quest to help people suffering from chronic symptoms find relief, find freedom from diet culture, and feel empowered to take control of their health so they can stand in confidence and live a radiant life through Nutritional Therapy.

YOU are worthy of being deeply nourished from the inside out! I will help bridge the gap between you and your optimal wellness. Friend, when you are ready, I am here for you and your health!!

Welcome friend, I’m so glad you are here!

cup of coffee with beach in the background

Identifying what works for YOU!

Each person will have a different roadmap to achieve optimal wellness. What works for one person may not work for you and that is okay, in fact, it’s normal. That is why it is vital to find the approach that nourishes YOUR unique body. This is where I come in - to help you navigate those waters with a realistic bio-individual plan!

With this tailored approach, we will focus on your strengths, as well as foundational needs that are missing from the equation, so we can get you back on track. It’s time to ditch the fad diets that seem to work for everyone else but you and uncover the root cause.

We will develop a health plan that addresses YOU and YOUR needs so you can regain your health, and conquer those pesky challenges so you can thrive in the amazingly strong and capable body you were blessed with!

thoughtfully-prepared whole foods

What is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional therapy is a holistic practice that addresses your health concerns and goals to create a plan that digs deep to uncover the root causes of your symptoms. This is NOT a diet, it is a lifestyle - it is becoming deeply aware of what your unique body needs and finding the foods that work best for YOU!

There is no one-sized fits all approach here. Through an in-depth analysis of your symptoms, history, food, and lifestyle, we will work together collaboratively. We will get rid of the temporary solutions and replace them with sustainable practices that focus on intuitive eating and mindful habits.

I offer virtual or in-person sessions that guide you back to a balanced and deeply nourished lifestyle by focusing on key foundations of health:

  • Nutrient Dense, Properly Prepared, Whole Foods

  • Digestion & Elimination

  • Blood Sugar Regulation

  • Mineral Balance

  • Fatty Acids

  • Hydration & More

Follow my journey and connect with me on Instagram!